May 23-04

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2004: May: May 23-04
Memory of a school    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo from Chuck Voelker

Charlie at Pasty Central on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 08:12 am:

There are now over 25,000 photos on Pasty Central, if you include the Pasty Cam, the Bridge Cam archives, the Guest Gallery, and related features like Chuck Voelker's Copper Country Reflections, which is the source of today's Shoebox Memory. Last week I spoke with the current owner of the old Centennial Heights School building, Steve Langley, and he told how it appeared there was once an addition project which wrapped around the old original school, leaving it encased in the larger structure. This photo is from Chuck's "Centennial Mine" page, and I'm not even sure if it is the Heights school.

There was an article in the Gazette recently about the legal tug-of-war involving this structure (scroll to "Historic School Threatened"). Perhaps any of the parties would care to comment?

Are there any Pasty Cammers around the country who attended Centennial Heights? Also it would be interesting if someone has a current picture.

Have a good week!

By Dave H TN on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 08:17 am:

Hello from TN

By Dave H. Corryton ,Tennessee on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 09:16 am:

I don't know if this is the old Centennial Heights School or not,however i hope the structure wins the Tug of War.
Dollar Bay Linoleum & Tile used the old School there for a warehouse,i used to go inside with my Dad as he worked for Clem in the 50's & 60's.What was the name of the School $Bay folks? Also the Swed Church was used for storage.Is it still standing?

By Steve Langley, Calumet, MI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 09:37 am:

In April 2003 I had a conversation with Paul Lehto (Calumet Township) with regards to the Centennial Heights school. He gave me the owner's name and number. The sale was final on June 6, 2003. Three weeks later I was served papers by the Township of Calumet to have the building demolished in 14 days. I also attended two township meetings regarding the order for demolition. We were advised that if we did not comply the Township would proceed with the demolition and place a lien on our property. The Township then decided to take us to court.

Seven days prior to the first court hearing (Nov. 7), Paul Lehto had the power disconnected and the water main taken out without a court order. I had several conversations with Jay Ringler at Uppco regarding this. Jay agreed that this move was illegal. He came to the building and I was advised that I would have to have an electrical inspection (at my expense) before he could reconnect the power.

At the hearing in November Judge Hood ordered the township to stop harassing me. It was ordered that I put up an eight foot fence within 14 days and to proceed with the demolition in a "timely and workmanlike manner". The fence itself cost in excess of $5,000. The whole purpose of me getting the building in the first place was to save money with the remodeling of our home! As we all know it is pretty dark in the winter time and without power in the building it was virtually impossible to do anything in the building. At the first sign of Spring again we were served papers to appear in court. At the April 27th hearing Judge Hood felt that I had not kept my end of the bargain not taking into account the lack of power and the freezing conditions and ordered that the building be torn down in 60 days or the Township of Calumet may proceed with the demolition and place a lien on the property.

In the time that we have had the building there has been more done to it than in the last many years. You could not even open the main doors because it was crammed with so much junk. It was all removed. There is still decades of stuff to be cleaned out of there. We have found boxes of books stamped with Calumet and Hecla Mining Company Library. These books were all in Swedish, German or Finnish! The dates in the books are from the late 1800's when Calumet was a boom town. Just recently we uncovered some old Lake Linden post office ledgers with the inside pages in great condition that are dated 1895! Unfortunately, the Township of Calumet doesn't seem to care about the history that is contained within the walls of this historic building. My father-in-law has spent hours going through the building and he still hasn't seen everything!

Our ultimate goal is to take the building down but we wanted to be able to go through it and clean it out as much as possible to avoid the astronomical mess that would result if it is knocked down right now. We were accused of doing "virtually nothing" but not one of the people involved with this endeavor has set foot in the building to see what has been accomplished.

I am going to do everything in my power (w/out the tax payers money like Mr. Lehto) to save the last of the old schoolhouses left standing in this historic town.

By RD, Iowa on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 09:59 am:


It sounds like you originally wanted to dismantle the building, or at least use part of its lumber. Are you saying now that you want to restore it?

By Kevin K. Lodi, CA. on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:11 am:

Good Morning ! from Lodi, CA.

By Steve L., MI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:12 am:

Dear RD, Iowa:
Originally we wanted to salvage the lumber for an addition and other outbuildings on our property which is adjacent to the school. However, after all of the legal battles and the money we've had to put into the property not to mention spending many hours in the building I believe it could be restored. The architecture and wood moldings, wainscoting and staircases are amazing! Thanks for your interest.

By AW, Michigan on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:25 am:

I think this is the Centennial School and not the Centennial Heights School.

By Clf. mi. on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:29 am:

Steve, Why not run a line from your house to the old building so you can have light and power to
help in your task? Good luck- keep at it. Clf.

By Lee, CA on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:31 am:

Any chance it was used as a Masonic lodge?

By Patt, a mid-MI troll on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:45 am:

Interesting posts today. From an outsider's perspective I too wonder why Calumet is so anxious to tear the buidling down. PERHAPS there are some skeletons in one of the closets there that no one wants released. HMMMM????????

By danbury; germany on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:54 am:

I don't like shoeboxes when it comes to buildings, however this looks like one nice house in the pic, with clean lines, good proprtions and kinda graceful.
so, Steve, nothing I can do about it than just say hang in there!
Why do they want to put it down anyway?

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:56 am:

no Hi everyone, this picture keyed my curiosity this morning because I used to play in Centennial Heights a lot growing up a "FEW" years back, and the pic did not look at all like the Heights school I remembered, so I drove up and snapped this current pic of the school and as you can see the two buildings are not the same, anyway, maybe it is the 'Centennial School' or another school in the area...
Centennial Hgts School

By UP_gal on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 11:02 am:

If it were me, I would gather up the materials I wanted for improving my own home, photograph it all for historical purposes and cut my losses by having it demolished. There isn't going to be any interest in restoration or preservation in your commuinty, it seems. Hope you can salvage some of the old records, documents and books.At a later date, some organization will probably want them.

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 11:05 am:

As a bonus I caught this pic of the Rock sip in the park in Centennial Heights, can't tell you how many times I have 'manned the gun' on this ship...Anyone else out there played on this??

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 11:06 am:

OOps, I mean 'ship'! smile

By Dave H. Smoky Mountains TN. on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 11:28 am:

You Betcha,me and my cousins played on it in the 50's & 60's. Took my kid's to play on it in the 70's. Then took my step-children to play on it in the 80's.Maybe one of these years in the 2000's I can take all my Grandchildren to play on it.Thank's Dave from another Dave for the added pictures,brought back memories of picnic's with family there in the park.

By Ace, Tx. on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 11:53 am:

Steve- Had to post my feelings about the Hts. school,looks like you should save what you can & then take it down. I'm sure you could salvage alot of the old wood work which I'm sure is just beautiful. For Cenntenial School is where I went & alot of good memories in those halls. Large school but only used 3 main rooms, 3 classes to each room. Please ask the township to let you get those memories out, it's been standing all these years what is a nother year or two ? Hope you all have a great day ! It's 72* & a nice breeze here in Arlington,Tx.

By Simon L., Tacoma, WA on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:03 pm:

Hi everyone,

I've been watching this site for years now, and while I was born a troll (shout out to Saginaw!!!) I always loved it up there when my dad would take me up there to vacation. As many others do, I have an interest in old historic buildings, and in all seriousness, when other parts of the country are finally trying to reclaim the past a bit, restoring old buildings, and making new ones that rival the look of old ones, why is the local government so bent on tearing this one down? I realize looking at the last pictures of it, that it is in serious need of work, however it does beg the question why are they so determined to demolish it?

By Roy TN on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:03 pm:

The last occupant, of the school, that I remember, was the Watti Lumber Co. They used the building for storing lumber. I aso remember a guy that lived up from the school that had a bear in his house. My aunt and uncle took us there, in the early 1950's, to see his bear. The bear's name was "Tootsie". It was a BIG bear and it would only drink canned milk. Talk about ordinances. They didn't have ANY in those days. OH, how things have changed up there. Going up there was off limits for us kids in town.

By Liz Benson, Pocatello ID on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:03 pm:

I'm so sorry you are caught up in the politics of the situation. As our family "history" keeper,I cringe when there is a possibility that historical records can be summarily dismissed and destroyed. If nothing else, save absolutely everything you can. Maybe the archivists from MTU can help with this. I always picked wild flowers from around the school. And, the MacDonald side of my family (Great Aunts and Uncles) attended grade school there. Persevere and preserve to the best of your abilities.

By maijaMI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:07 pm:

Wild thunderstorms in the motown area over night, with more predicted. We are under a tornado watch till 6:00 PM. Five people were killed yesterday when trees fell on their cars. Lots of flooding in the southern area.

By ed on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:25 pm:

we have had 19 out of 23 days with rain here in Metro Detroit area. The ark is ready but cant use it as gasoline is now $2.15gal for regular here on I-75..was at the station today and did not see one boat or any 4 wheelers filling up so we can see what our summer is starting out as.

By vaalea on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 01:05 pm:

Wonder why demolition became such a priority after June 6?
Makes a person think twice about buying a fixer-upper in Calumet!

By Fran,Ga on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 01:20 pm:

Dave H,Coryton,Tn Is the church you are talking about the one over by Clements'old house? If so the last I knew it was made in to a little house. It is on that little piece of land at the intersection of roads by my sisters house(Richards) I don't think the old school building had any special name. My sister Lorraine had her wedding reception in the basement of it 50 yrs ago this July.

By maijaMi on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 02:11 pm:

Dave, Laurium: My brother and I played on the "kearsarge ship" in the 50's. My kids played there. It is such a great thing, but you have to know it's there! My Dad's family home is just behind it on No. 4 Road. Is that where Centennial School is? There was a head start operating recently at the school I'm talking about. I remember it as having a central entrance, but maybe that was the addition since the shoebox photo. It's lovely inside and I hope the woodwork, etc. can be salvaged and reused. The school I'm talking about, where my Dad and aunts and uncles went, was still there last Easter, and we always wonder what is going to happen to it.

By Ed Huhta Mi. on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 02:17 pm:

My Grandfather was custodian at this school after he retired from the mine.s He worked at Red Jacket Shaft. All my aunts and uncles attended this school during the late 3o,s My grandfather was John Huhta and lived on third st. It,s a shame to see in such dis repair

By Joe Dase MTU Mining Student on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 02:33 pm:

This is a little off topic but does anyone know when the tear down of the Copper Range #29 will start?

By Tom Secor on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 02:38 pm:

Hei Hei
The present owner bought the school from the
previous owner for "one buck"- -$1.00 !! It seems
that he's trying to make a "silk purse out of sow's ear" and now he's crying poverty because he put a make-shift fence around it!! Also--if he was so
anxious to work in the building when the power was cuT-off- why didn't he rent a power generator ??
How many people -"OUT THERE" - ... have visited the
school recently and really seen the state of ruin
that exists now?????!!
How many people -OUT THERE"- sat-in on all the
hearings at the township hall and the Houghton
County Courthouse - I DID !!
How mwny people have taken a picture of the NORTH
SIDE of the school ??
If the so-called treasure trove that is still inside exists - -WHY doesn't he collect the material and auction it off???
I went to the fifth and sixth grades in the early
in my home that has been in our family since 1900!
I still live there now.
The school needs to be TAKEN DOWN --IT'S A FIRE
HAZZARD for all the homes in that vicinity !!

By MJ on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 03:06 pm:

Like Tom Secor, I am also a "returnee" to Centennial Heights, where I was born and raised and couldn't wait to return. The Heights School has seen its better days; it is now a fire hazard and a hazard to children. Unfortunately, no one took interest in it when it was salvageable--too late now! If those who want it saved lived here and had to look at the mess every time they drove into town, they would sing a different tune. I also attended the hearings on the subject, and the reports from the owner on the hearings are tweaked slightly to show him as the "good" guy. I also attended the Centennial School, which is still standing and is occupied by the pre-school group. I was in it a number of years ago, and unfortunately the second floor is blocked off so couldn't get there; that's the floor I was interested in. It is still well preserved on the main floor, much to my delight. If the Heights school was in the same condition, it would be worth saving, but not the condition it is currently in.

By Jack P. Red Jacket Shaft on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 03:27 pm:

Hi Steve, Good to see you sticking to your guns on the Presevation of the School. I'm surprised with all the State park Historical grants and focus on preserving the Historical Buildings that they aren't supporting your efforts. Fixing that building to original condition will be worth it.

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 04:00 pm:

Steve, you said that you have found a lot of historical items inside of the building. Those things are easily taken care of by you either selling or donating them to the local historical society or some other museum. Those things were not a natural part of the schoolhouse when it was in operation anyway. I am sure you may find more items in there, but you didn't say anything about doing things that get to the crux of the problemn you are facing, and that is the actual structural integrity of the building itself. It is obvious the problem is a 'LOT' more than cosmetic. Do YOU have the kind of funds it would take to get the building back to a habitable doesn't sound like it. So that means that it would somehow have to come from the taxpayers through township, county and state or federal taxation. I personally feel we are already paying enough taxes around here. I wish you luck in your endeavor but as a township resident, I think it is time for the building to come down, cut your losses whatever they are and move on. I think you are fighting a losing battle on this one...but good luck!

By Tom, Green Bay on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 04:31 pm:

My father attended school in the building on Pine Street in Calumet. This building doesn't look at all like it. The picture posted later in this series looks like the Pine Street school.
Wish I knew the real name of the school.

By Ron, Michigan on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 04:31 pm:

I attended the Centennial School in '63-'64 but used to wait for the bus right by the school in Dave's pic. Ace from Tx is right, 3 classes to a room. Never forget the day Miss Thompson came running into the classroom crying to tell us President Kennedy was assasinated.

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 04:44 pm:

hello Hi Ya Ace!!, nice to see someone having good weather. Terrible up here today, raining, 46*, cold and windy....just downright miserable. More of the same through Thursday! So think about us while you are luxuriating down in those nice balmy temps and send some of it our way. Will you be up during the Pastyfest timeframe? Be nice to see you again after all these years. bye

By Paul in Illinois on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 04:50 pm:

I remember visiting the bear in Centennial Heights when I was still in the single digit age group. It seemed like a VERY BIG bear to me, especially since the guy only had a couple of kitchen chairs in the archway between the bear and us. When "Tootsie" rose up on her hind legs to have a better look at us, I decided the better part of valour was to not be in the house with her. We later heard that the bear reached maturity and laid the fellow low while on her way out to find a fur bearing mate.
There are many sites in the Copper Country that one would like to see preserved. Unfortunately funds and resources are limited and choices have to be made. Better quality vs. quanity, choose the battles that can be won.

By interested party,MI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 05:02 pm:

We would like to give our comments on the old school in heights. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. Finally the township is going to do something about it. Many homeowners in heights had purchased their homes with the understanding that the building would be coming down. To everyones amazement, the building is still standing. It has been condemmed for years. This building is a terrible hazard and it presents a threat to everyone around it. It is a fire hazard, a health hazard, and an eye sore. The worst of all, it poses an awful threat to the children in the neighborhood. Are we just suppose to sit back and let this building stand, and not have any concerns? I don't think so. This was going on long before the current owners purchased the building. The previous owner should have also been held responsible for some of this, but he chose to pass the buck. I too grew up in a family that loved to collect artifacts, but there is nothing left yo salvage from the remains of this. So for all of the readers and the comments, I would like you to take a ride up to Heights to check out the building from all four sides, then make your judgement. Commenting on this subject is nice, but make sure that you know all of the facts. Please help to make the neighborhood safe. Thanks.

By Ace,Tx on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 05:12 pm:

Dave - Ron- Would love to see some of your rain down here, you keep the cold weather up there. We'll be home for the pasty fest so hope to see you then. The first picture sure looks like the cenntenial school that I went to. I glad those halls cann't talk, my class started with 13 children & went to high school with 12 in 1968. I remember the day also, we then went into one of extra rooms & watch the funeral. Remember swinging from the water pipes in the basement ever chance we got, the lunch room down the basement, our milk came in little glass milk bottles. Sitting behind Ms. Thompsons piano when I would get caught talking in class-- Must have been someone else- Not MMMEEE. Have a great evening & see you Dave in July.

By Tom Secor/Centemental Heights on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 05:50 pm:

Hei Hei Ed Huhta - - -

John Huhta,Bonsic Huhta ,Hazel Huhta, etc,etc
Lived next to our house - -down on SOUTH FIRST
STREET I remember your grandfather quite well!!
He owned two lots and always hand a big garden/
vegetables and berries. There was a well right
behind the back porch.
I'M 80 YEARS OLD - - It ain't ME -- It must be
THEE !!(hey Ed,that's one of the early signs!!)
Tom Secor

By maijaMI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 06:04 pm:

Ed Huhta: Are you related to Matti Huhta of No. 4 location? (Down the street from Centennial School.) He was my grandfather.

I think the comments refer to 2 different schools, as shown in the pictures.

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 06:05 pm:

wave Hi Tom Secor, Haven't seen you in the Evergreen for coffee lately, How you doing these days?

By CC Yooper on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 06:33 pm:

Interesting comments from one and all. I hope everything is resolved amicably and that the valuable historical records find a good home. So what building is the original shoebox picture posted today? And is one of the two buildings actually a "building within a building" as mentioned by Charlie? If so, which one? Just wondering.... Thanks.

By S.L., MI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 06:57 pm:

Dave in Laurium:

Thank you and everybody else for your concern and/or interest in this matter.
First of all, I bought the building for salvage. The historical documents that were found have nothing to do with the principle of saving this building. Buildings in much worse condition are having millions of $$$ invested to preserve the history. Without seeing first hand, nobody really knows the structural integrity of the building. I have had some pretty reputable engineers walk through with me and were very impressed as to the condition inside. I do however, invite anybody with interest to walk through with me so you understand too, that this is not a personal thing, this building does have a chance to remain. If so, why would anyone have a problem with it?
Calumet was made an historic town, this building looks over Calumet. In fact, from the roof, there is a spectacular view of all of Calumet and the surrounding area.
No, I myself don't have the funds. However I know for a fact that there are federal funds availabe, and if not, there is always a remote possibility for private sector funds.
The only taxpayers money that is being spent is on the townships behalf to use me as scapegoat to take this part of local history away from us and our children. If they want the schoolhouse down, do they take the park away too? Remember, we live in the most sought after country to live in, in the entire world. When our constitutional rights are violated, we must fight for our rights. My rights have been violated.
As far as the comments previous to yours, I did not intend on making money from this,
via auction or whatever, my soul intention was to save money and own another property which is what I think the American dream is all about!
Fighting a losing battle eh? I don't even like to argue, let alone fight. If I had any type of clue as to the townships agenda with this building, I would not have touched it. Now I am the owner and if the building cannot be saved, I bought the building to salvage, not just a few boards, but, everything possible. And it is not going to happen in 60, 90, or 120 days. This is a major undertaking. Not something one would use a generator for either.


By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 07:04 pm:

Seems like the concensus is that the 'shoebox' pic is "most likely" the old "Centennial School', the second photo is actually a photo of the Centennial "Heights" School taken today. As far as the 'building within a building' statement, I do not know! As for me, I just want this rain to stop so I can get in some golf.... face

By another interested party, MI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 07:04 pm:

To interested party:
I agree that the school should be taken down but I also feel that the Township of Calumet should have let it be known to the current owner what was on their agenda. Had the new owner known what he was in for I'm sure he wouldn't have got involved. It is absolutely underhanded the way things went down. Now if the owner doesn't comply the Township will tear it down and place a lien on the new owner's property. IS THIS RIGHT OR FAIR???? I don't think so. --

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 07:18 pm:

Steve, Thanks...Well, I wish you the best on your battle with the township. For what it is worth, I have heard a lot of people talking around town saying exactly what you just said about being the scapegoat, and that there may be an agenda on their parts. That indeed may be true....or not. Either way you seem to have been dealt a very bad hand when you took over possession of that property. The amount of effort you are willing to put into this may need to be measured by why you are doing this and what you are planning on getting out of it. Good Luck to you whatever you do!

By ric, WI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 07:41 pm:

We really need to continue the dismantling of all the troubling old buildings and mine structures in the Copper Country. They are nothing but an impediment to the march to the upscale, Door-County type of existence we all yearn for so much.
We need more microbreweries, strip malls, road and land closures and new MODERN buildings. I mean, why shouldn't the Copper Country look like everywhere else. A McDonalds in Central would be nice. A Hilton with a private airport at Bete Gris would warp us into reality of the 21st century.


Seriously, folks if any of what I just described sounds good to you, you should make the mistake I did and move to Milwaukee from Keweenaw County.

We need history AND heritage.

By Fran,Ga on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 08:07 pm:

I agree with ric. You can travel most anywhere from Fla to the East coast and wherever you go it is the same old thing. Stripmalls,Fast Foodplaces etc. One city is not much different from another. The C.C.'s different and I hope it always stays different. Cherish the history and our heritage.

By bct Mi on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 08:19 pm:

I'd be willing to bet that the same thinking went into the demolition of the Jacobsville store.

By ric, WI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 09:04 pm:

And the various buildings in Downtown Calumet and the Kingston Mine and the Bohemia Tower and and and etc etc etc.

Things can be rebuilt and made safe and their heritage preserved. It takes resolve and money and vision.

By Green Bay ,WI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 09:14 pm:

What history is left? The building is barely standing. I mean come on folks. Have you taken a ride up that way recently. They should just take it down and then put a nice memorial there. Yes, that is true, I also agree that the current owners were given a very bad hand, but they should have read the cards a little better. Hopefully it will work out for everyone involved.

By ric, WI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 09:23 pm:

Better tear them Mine buildings in Central down too, then. And that unsightly stack at the Clark Mine, too!

By ric, WI on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 09:27 pm:

Oh yes, what about that stadium where your Packers play? Did they tear IT down? No--they REBUILT/RENOVATED it, true? Why didn't they tear it completely down and built a new MODERN stadium? Because there is HISTORY and HERITAGE there...

My point, exactly.

By Dave, Laurium on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:01 pm:

Well!! Lots of save our heritage talk out there, that's good, why don't one of you people who really want it saved so bad take it off of their hands and do something with it before the taxpayers end up paying for it....I am all for saving our heritage and historical places, but occasionally you find one that has been let go too long, and you have to let it fade into history, salvaging what you can. If you have seen the building at all recently, you can see that it is indeed a hazard and economically beyond the capabilities of the average Joe up here to rehabilitate. I'm sure the present owner might happily work out a deal for you, after all, he got a real good deal on it.....I WONDER WHY?????

By Pete, CO on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:24 pm:

I honestly can't believe this is an issue. I have seen the school many times in the past few years when I come up to visit family. Every year I drive by in amazement that it hasn't fallen down. I know quite a few people in the area who have kids. They are very worried for their kid's safety. I don't blame them. I wouldn't want my kids playing any where near the school. Look, I'm all for preserving Calumet's heritage but this particular building is beyond repair. The only way restore it to it's original glory is to tear it down and rebuild it from the ground up. I don't know if everyone out there who says the building should be saved is willing to fork over the money for this to happen. The current owner purchased the school for a dollar. I will gladly give the current owner $50 for the building and take it off of his hands. He would make a buck and Calumet would be rid of the awful eyesore and safety hazard.

By Steve the flying troll on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:25 pm:

... Steve implies restoration, but clearly states he purpose is demolistion and salvage. We had a fellow buy a huge school from the City of Detroit for 1,000.00 at Selden and the Lodge, lease it to the Edison Project for 5 Million over 15 years and received 4.9 Million to renovate it, which he did, in less than six months. Federal money is difficult if not impossible to find, private money is much more realistic in long term projects and even harder to find, and he already said it is demo time. Somebody bought a flyer for a nickle in hopes of making a lot of money. I have watched developers do this in the inner city for years, and then cry poor or abused when they don't get their way. One guys opinion who knows very little of the actual facts of this case.

By Steve the flying troll on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:30 pm:

P.S. Somebody stole the fence around my inner city animal shelter one Sunday, and it was probably some developer who had to protect a site and didn't want to sport for a fence. We replaced the steel mesh fence, and tack welded it to the poles....I love this city..........

By Joey Musich Olympia, WA on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:38 pm:

To Steve:

I read the article in the Gazette and could not believe it-Quiet Steve Langley right in the middle of this mess. I hope it all works out. How is Carol doing these days? I haven't talked to her in years-tell her she should drop her old friend a line!

By Pete, CO on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:47 pm:

Ric from WI: You are hilarious. NOT! ( who says that anymore?) To reply to your recent postings. If you haven't personally seen the building recently I think you should keep your comments to yourself. If you have seen the school lately, you can't honestly say that it can be saved!? Move your family next door to the school and maybe then, you'll have a different point of view.

By Joe the Fence Man on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:53 pm:

Anyone who paid $5000.00 for the raggedy ill installed fence in that pic based on local labor and materials standards is in for a long ride.

By Ms Katie, Il. on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 11:01 pm:

My 2 cents worth...looks to me that the first photo is of a sturdy building with possibilities. But the second building shown is pretty well past restoration esp. if the windows have allowed so much rain and snow etc. get at the innards. I just hope someone will be able to salvage much of the materials for further use. And by all means save the souviners of the past!!! Also...poor Dave of Laurium :( no golf today and he gets testy? But I love all your little squiggle-faces!:) Peace to all.

By Steve, Bete Grise on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 11:04 pm:

Amen Joe the Fence Man! But what an investment to save a priceless building. HA!

By Lisa in TN on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 01:14 am:

Hey all,it has been in the 90's here in TN. Sure do miss the cool days in the UP right about now.
I was wondering if this school was the one I went to for headstart; that would have been sometime in the early 70's. The one in the first picture looks like the one I remember but that was a looong time ago ;) The one I went to was on the right side of the road if you were heading towards Mohawk, you had to turn down a road to get to it.
Just curious.
By the way Steve and Joey M were you students at CHC and graduate in '85? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Take care all.

By Julie S., Kiel, WI on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 02:08 am:

I have two cents to throw in...

I am a former resident of the Calumet area. When I come to visit I am shocked and dismayed at all of the buildings that have been let go. I looked at each and every one of the photos on Chuck Voelker's site and can't believe how the buildings have stood over time, but some are in really bad shape and they probably should be taken down. One of the buildings was owned by my dad on 5th street. I have hounded him time and again about how bad it looks. There was a fire in it and it really is an eye sore.

I think as a national park, Calumet and Laurium should really look at buildings that distract from the beauty of the national park and push owners of uninhabital buildings to do something about them. The north end of 5th street really could use some help.

By ric, WI on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 02:18 am:

Yep. Pete...your personal attack is so typical from a state that harbors Crested Butte and Aspen. I HAVE seen the school recently and it IS pathetic. Last I looked this was the US and we could voice our opinions, wheter it would be with a "Not" or a "Yah Hey" or whatever.

Quite plainly, this is a battle of ideas, those of preservation VS. the Aspen-ization of America...I prefer the preservation...You and I have a differnce in opinion, but I will not stoop to making fun of your way of voicing it. Perhaps that is what is wrong these days...the coarsening of langauage by advocates as yourself, and the demonizing of those who don't agree with you 100%.

Just a thought.....

By maijaMI on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 05:52 am:

Lisa in TN: The head start program was in Centennial School on No. 4 Rd just out side of Calumet. That school seems to be in good shape from the outside and was in good shape last time I was in it. It looks like the first picture, except I think it WAS added on to. This one should definitely be preserved!

By Lisa in TN on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 06:48 am:

Thanks I thought as much but you know the ole memory she ain't what she used to be....
I believe you're right it does look a bit bigger then the picture above though.
Thanks again.

By MB, Mi on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 08:50 am:

Hang in there Steve. Sounds like another classic case of the big bully (Calumet Township) trying to push around the honest and innocent man. Too many of our historic buildings are disappearing these days. Must this one fall victim also?

By Yooper in Indiana on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 09:32 am:

Will have to do some digging in some of the materials that I have at home. I had an aunt that taught at Centennial, right after she finished at Marquette Normal, now NMU, in the late 'teens. She would walk there from Portland and Eighth Streets in Calument on a daily basis. After teaching in Centennial she moved on to the Morrison and finally to Washington from where she retired in 1963 after teaching the 5th grade. When I dig out further information I will post it. The conditions and pay in those days were not the greatest.

By Dave Corryton, TN. on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 09:34 am:

Fran, I know of the Church you spoke of.My Mother used to get her hair cut there.The one i'am asking about is on the other side of Main St.If you go betwen Partanen's Bar and the V.F.W. Hall one block,pass Ruben Aho, Wyane Kangas,& across from Mrs.Hoyer,not as far as Lydia Holmes.The Swed Church was (or still is)right next to another sweet lady's house whose name might have been Sandaleen i belive.

By Judy Manson Endsley, Texas on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 12:27 pm:

Hello Old Buiding Fans,

I bought a 1907 house in Centennial Heights in 1998 to "restore" - since then I've been researching the history, families, whatever, of Centennial Heights (I'm originally a Calumet girl with some close family friends in the Heights). There is a wonderful book privately published by Ralph Mackey who grew up in C. H. on Second St. It was published in honor of the centennial of Centennial Heights (I'm getting a little redundant here) in the year 2000. Included are a lot of pictures and family histories. Much of his information came from Miriam Koljonen Sauvola, who was born in my house in 1910. She attended that school, and later also taught there. There's a whole chapter on the schools of Centennial Heights. To briefly summarize, the first C.H. school was on Third St, built shortly after 1900. The population kept growing so that around 1910 the "new" Centennial Heights school was built with 4 rooms at the corner of First and Jefferson. The "old" school at Third St. burned down the night of Oct. 20, 1914, which necessitated a two-shift school day at the new school until 4 more rooms could be added to the "new" school.
The picture you are showing could be the "old" Centennial Heights school, or else it is an old picture of the Centennial school.

Hello Tom Secor!
I'm with you on tearing the building down. I have 2 children, and I'm worried that they might be endangered by the building. Plus there is talk about a large propane tank in the vicinity of the old school - if we had a fire the whole of Centennial Heights would go up. It's funny that the people who don't live in Centennial Heights want us to save it; us folks that live there want it torn down - kind of a variation of NIMBY, eh? Tell them NO FEAR - lots of wonderful, old(and in much better shape) fixer-uppers for VERY CHEAP all over the Copper Country. Come join us!

Steve Langley - can't figure out how to send you e-mail from Pasty mail. Do you have any of that beadboard panelling, wide door molding, or the rosettes that went at the corner of doors and windows? I'd be VERY INTERESTED in purchasing some of that stuff from you. A way for you to realize some return on your investment, eh? In speaking to various neighbors in C.H. I know I am not the only one interested. When do you start your salvage operation? I hope to be up there around July 1st and I will be contacting you.

Judy Manson Endsley

By W.Torola on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 12:27 pm:

I would like to know if anyone can tell me about Hubert Kangas house that I now live in. Would like to hear stories about the place, would like to see photos also.

By Raven, Lansing Trollville on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 02:58 pm:

Sorry folks, I think there's been a HUGE mistake. I'm no architect, but even I can see that the building in the shoe box picture doesn't remotely resemble the color photo 'bout the middle of the postings up from here. Who's pulling whose leg here? The building in the color pic should have been pulled down about 30 years ago. Steve, I think you're trying to get out of trouble 'cause you procrastinated the job too long. Now you're crying 'cause the big bad City wants you to follow up. Pfeh, do the job, or pay the price.

By Raven Again. Lansing Trollsville on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 03:00 pm:

One step further, what's with the trashed out boat located on the right side of the building? And what of all the other junk that seems to have piled up around the building? Clean up your property, I'm thinking.

By ric, WI on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 05:31 pm:

Hi Ms Manson Endsley:

Just thought I would point out that MANY of we who want to keep the building up have roots in the Copper Country, even though we may not reside there NOW...

Some folks who spend a lot of time up there STILL consider it home, whether they are in Wisconsin....or Texas....

Just a thought.

By Yooper on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 08:03 pm:

I fully agree with Raven about the rest of the junk sitting around the Heights school area. It would be nice if that whole area could be cleaned up. Maybe some people might think it is "neat stuff," but it is junk and has been sitting there far too long. It certainly isn't a very welcoming sight as you drive into the area. Maybe some people enjoy living that way!

By Judy Manson Endsley, Texas on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 10:10 pm:

Yep, y'all, I gotta live in Texas most of the year - figuring out how to invest even more sweat equity (mostly) and money (don't have much) in my own Centennial Heights restoration project. Tell you what Ric, there's at least 3 houses for sale in Centennial Heights (two of 'em I would guess to be the age of the schoolhouse at least) - why don't you put your money where your mouth is and get you one? Then maybe we can swap stories on repairing the old horsehair and lathe plaster, and what to do with a woodshed that's sunk 3 feet into the ground over the last 90 years?

By pj,mi on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 11:15 pm:

Was the building on Pine Street near the Apostolic Church once a school? I has the look. If it was a school - name? If not, what was it? It's now Darnell construction. As to the saving of the Heights school - the Gay school seems to be in better shape and most say it would be too costly to restore. When buildings are allowed to deteriorate, there comes a point where demolition is the only way to go.

By Don WI on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 07:02 am:

Yes, contact the MTU Archives about the building and the materials inside it. Keep the building.

By Karen in MI on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 08:04 am:

To Steve Langley: We have seen your building on numerous occasions during our yearly visit to Calumet. We would be interested in purchasing some of the antique panes of glass from the windows (not broken ones of course) if, in fact, you use the building for salvage. If you are interested in talking to us, please email us. Regards.

By Zack, Calumet on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 08:35 am:

To save or not to save. That is the question. Personally,I would love to see this old building saved if possible and if I had the money I'd give it to them to do so. The buildings in Keweenaw county are all in need of repair in one way or another. The only difference between those buildings and Steve's building is they received grants and he didn't. This school should be recognized as a landmark and restored. There is just to much Heritage and History in these buildings to just tear then down. My brother just bought the old Oja's market in Fulton and it was all built from the salvaged lumber of mining houses that didn't sell. You can even still see the old nail holes where the nails were removed as the wood was salvaged. All of these buildings have a history and need to have their history preserved. Much like people, I believe we should spend more time putting them up and restoring them as opposed to condemning and tearing them down. There aren't many buildings in Centennial Heights to begin with and this is one that should be saved. Even if not for the park but for a Landmark in Centennial Heights.
As far as an Eye-Sore, ever see Fourth street in Calumet? At least the old school building isn't in the middle of town. I'll leave it at that. I know the Langley family and they are good people. They wouldn't intentionally put anyone in danger, especially children and if it truly was an impending disaster, or un-restorable they would have torn it down by now. Steve, tell Eric Zack says Hi!! Good Luck My Friends!!

By Tom Secor on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 10:36 am:

my picture

By Tom Secor on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 10:37 am:

my picture

By Tom Secor on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 10:38 am:

my picture

By Tom on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 10:39 am:

my picture

By Tom on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 10:40 am:

my picture

By WALT, MICH. on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 12:03 pm:


By Tom Secor on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 12:04 pm:

Hei Hei to all you Auslanders - -


Nuff said - -
The - -

By Joe, Hancock MI on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 12:06 pm:

This building is a treasure and has more old growth timber in it than the Estivant Pines (I have seen this for myself - with the owners permission and assistance). At the very least, the owner should be able to have the time necessary (a heck of a lot longer than 60 days!) to carry out a salvage mission, restoration, or whatever combination of the two he desires. Our culture is way to quick to bulldoze down or cover up the past and all the materials that go along with it; materials that could be recycled and enjoyed for another seven generations.

It seems like there are ways the Township could work with the new owner to meet his goals without dragging him and taxpayers money off to court. Protecting the public from danger is a noble pursuit(and often an easy excuse)on the part of the Township but it should be accomplished while repecting the owner's rights. Certainly, the owner taking measures such as putting up a chain-linked fence is a step in the right direction and should be encouraged.

I wish the Keweenaw had more citizens like Steve who takes pride in the history that made the Peninsula what is today.... a great place to live.

By One more opinion on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 12:37 pm:

The present owner of the building in question quips about the township supervisor using tax payer money in the condemnation/demolition effort. Well guy, that is his job and that's where the monies come from to do it. He says that his ultimate goal was to take the building down, but now he seems to be looking for a bunch of that same tax payer money (quote: "No, I myself don't have the funds. However I know for a fact that there are federal funds availabe, and if not, there is always a remote possibility for private sector funds"). Federal funds = tax paper dollars too.

I don't agree that any of your constitutional rights are being violated or your contention that the township is trying to "use me as scapegoat." No matter how majestic some think this building once was, it is presently an eyesore and a hazard. The previous owner was probably glad to unload it on someone else for a dollar. It also seems to me that if there are in fact some significant historical papers, books etc inside, there are organizations such as the historical society who would help in removing/preserving them.

Take a look at the pictures, people.

By MI on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 12:57 pm:

Give me a break people. The owner had a lot longer than 60 days to be working on this project. He didn't do what he was suppose to do and now they want it down. He had his chance to be working on it. He didn't. Just look at that place. I can't even believe that this is an issue.

By Yooper in Indiana on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 01:15 pm:

looks beyond repair to me,,,one would have to be a fool to dump $$$$ into that bldg. This appears to have some good lumber to salvage to be used by someone doing restoration to other properties. Good pictures, Tom. Was that one of your relatives in the Laurium airport accident years ago? One that I will never forget!

By Chrisingr on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 05:02 pm:

As the song says,"You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." We were in the Calumet area last Labor Day weekend picking up our beautiful new bird's eye maple mantle when Steve saw us taking pictures of the school. He very graciously offered to take us on a tour of the inside. The outside might look bad but the inside truly still does have potential. The rear of the building, which was obviously added on, needs to be torn down(from the 6th window in Tom's 2nd picture back). But the inside of the front part is structurally sound with wonderful woodwork which, if given help, could be very beautiful again. I wish I could post the pictures we took of the inside(no scanner). Isn't there some historical preservation group somewhere that could help? I know you who live there feel those of us who don't, shouldn't have an opinion on what goes on there, but someday when all your old, wonderful, interesting, fascinating historical buildings are gone you or your children will regret the loss. Isn't there some way you could make the school safe for now while ways are found to save it?
I copied down something I found in a menu up there that I thought was very appropriate for Steve: "It is our goal to honor the incredible history of the Calumet area during boom copper years-the stories of determination,hard work and family loyalty foremost. We hope by honoring the building's unique and magnificent past, we are able to honor the unique and magnificent pasts and paths of our parents." What you have up there is truly special and I would give anything to be able to say I was from there. Protect and save what you have. I don't mean to offend anyone, I just wanted to give my opinion for whatever it's worth. Good luck.

By Tom Secor/Centemental Heights on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 05:16 pm:

Hei Hei Auslanders - - -

This brings to mind the words "PYRRHIC VICTORY
(costly to the point of negotiating or out-
weighing expected benefits)(SEE GOOGLE)

quietly fade away!!

The - -

By Tom Secor/Centemental Heights on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 05:34 pm:


It was me.

Go to pasty,com archives>2000>December 13/14.

Tom Secor
The - -

By Marcel, Bark River on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 11:09 pm:

Good luck Steve!
Knowing that the bonanza of recoverable wood work inside this grand old school will be put to use again is well worth the wait. I toured the old school with Steve and Joe and I think that it would be a travesty to plow all that salvageable lumber and woodwork into our already burgeoning landfills. Have patience Calumet Township and try to work with Steve, not against him.
Although the building is a hazard to adventurous children, it is much safer now that Steve erected a fence around the school - certainly safer than it has been for the last 40 or 50 years!

By Jimmer, Laurium on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 02:15 am:

Too bad Steve. You dont seem to have a chance to save this old building. The neighbors are against you, Paul Lehto is against you, Judge Hood is against you...What you got for a dollar is now threatening everything you own and dream for.

Hopefully you can find a way to preserve this building and keep ownership of the property.

If the neighbors and the village were so concerned over the years, why didn't they purchase the building and do away with it?

So many less historically significant buildings in this town have received a facelift, why not this one? Has a National Park Service agent done a survey or study about this property?

The Township Supervisor possibly seems to have had some agenda you interfered with. Steve, you sure rubbed somebody the wrong way!

It would and seems to be -will- be a shame to lose this building in our area. The neighbors concerns and the village involvement are suddenly hasty and almost punitive in their nature.

Good luck to your honorable quest for restoration or just the fight to gain some room to think and act accordingly!

By Toivo on the night shift on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 04:16 am:

Several personal attacks were removed from this discussion. You are welcome to express your opinion about the issues, but we want to avoid inflammatory name-calling, etc., which doesn't make for very pleasant reading, and doesn't help bring people back to this site (so they can order some pasties, of course.)

What the heck is an Auslander?

By t on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 08:35 am:

Only in the copper country mich usa you can leave houses and buildings stand in the condition that school is in--

By t on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 08:47 am:

By the way the sawdust pile and wood back of the old lincoln school on pine and waterworks also looks great as it aproaches the second story

By Bob Jewell from Farmington Hills on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 11:48 am:

From Encarta...
aus·land·er [ ówss làndər ] (plural aus·land·ers)


somebody from elsewhere: somebody from another country or area or who is an outsider

By michigan on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 12:41 pm:

Why in the world would a neighbor or anyone else for that matter, buy a condemned building? It is beyond repair. Get with the program people! The neighbors are certainly not being hasty in their concern. They have been trying to have this building torn down for the past 10 years or more. Finally within the last year the township is going to do something.

By ric, WI on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 06:02 pm:

Auslander is a former German term for "outsider"

Hmmm...last time I heard that was in germany in 1983, and it was said by a former Nazi...


By FRNash/PHX, AZ on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 06:32 pm:

As one whose parents lived in Centennial Heights when they were young 'uns, and went to the Centennial Heights school (the dilapidated worse-than-the-Addams-Family's-worst-nightmare wreck in the photos by Dave, Laurium and Tom Secor), the condition of that school and this debate sure triggers some mixed emotions.

1. It certainly would have been nice if the school could have been preserved, but it would appear that an inordinately large pile of cash, time and patience would be needed to accomplish that goal today. In its present state it sure isn't a "Point of Pride" for the community.

2. Speaking of "Points of Pride", although I haven't been back to "The Heights" in something like 15 years, my recollection of the neighborhood then was more a sense of "horror, shame and embarrassment" with perhaps 80% of the properties. Rather than "Centennial Heights", it might have more accurately been called "Dogpatch", which would only have caused Al Capp to rise from his grave to smite me down for the insult! I say this in spite of my awareness of the "company house" syndrome quite common in the Copper Country, where homes rented for a pittance from the mining company often had a rather bleak exterior appearance, but a quite nicely outfitted interior. Has "The Heights" experienced a profound renaissance since I saw it last?

3. The condition of that school has not changed appreciably in several decades. That being the case, the behavior of the Calumet Township politicos smells to the high heavens. Why have they blissfully ignored the issue for all these decades, only to get on the present owner with such a vengeance? Was the previous owner one of their number? Were they patiently waiting for one of their cronies to dump this property on some other sucker before lowering the boom? It smells, I tell ya!

4. Given the many decades of "benign neglect" on the part of the previous owner(s) and the township board, what in blazes is the newfound urgency? I'd be inclined to be patient with the present owner's efforts, even if the restoration were to take several years, as it surely will, as long as the property is suitably fenced and secured and some measurable progress is clearly under way.

By Green Bay, WI on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 09:50 pm:

People should not have to wait any longer for this terrible eye sore and hazard to come down. The property is not suitably fenced, and there has not been any measurable progress on the building. I can clearly see this from the photos, and we have driven up that way lately. It is time to come down.

By Another Intersted Party, Calumet on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 10:51 pm:

I see that the fence is repaired. The winter snow and huge snowblower that spit tons of our snowfall on it have gone. Centennial Heights has mine buildings and other hazards that also are dangerous to the neighborhood and to the residents and their children ...yet there is nobody up in arms about these areas. They look as bad or as in as much disrepair as the school... Something is going on behind the scenes that we, the public, are not aware of. The township supervisor should be held up under a bright lamp and examined as to the sudden motivation and need for this building to come down, to penalize or punish Steve and to try to get this all done without anyone being able to stop it. The school should stand. Give Steve time to do what he can to salvage or preserve the building. So many good points have been made in this forum that it is a shame to read the attacks and comments made about Steve personally. Thank you Toivo for removing some of the comments that I read yesterday that were offensive.

By Sue G, MI on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 10:53 am:

Wow, amazing how everyone is interested all of a sudden in the precious Heights School. My father purchased the building to store his lumber back in probably the late 40's or early 50's. Some of you remember my uncle (called Bam) in Heights--was told several times that when he was trying to learn to drive, he drove into the school and never drove again. My Heights friends would meet at the school after attending school in Centennial and we would "play school" in the school (Dad did not know this, of course, and put a stop to it when he found out.) Three of us who pretended to be teachers ended up being teachers--in fact, we three just got together in Juneau AK for a week to share memories. There were so many costumes from plays, old textbooks, and even bells we could ring to start out classes. What fun we had!!! Eventually all the supplies seemed to disappear and our after school classes were no more. Memories, memories, how great it is to reflect on the days in Heights--and visiting Art North's (think that was his name) bear was always a treat.

Looks like it is time to remove the old school, but the memories the former Heights kids have will live in our hearts forever.

By WI on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 12:05 pm:

that is right. Let's all keep those precious memories in our hearts. The owner seems to have had a lot of chances to salvage and preserve the building, and he has chosen not too. Someone commented earlier about this being such a wonderful place to live. Should such a beautiful place that we all call "gods country" have to look like this. Now I can see myself that nothing has been getting done. Sorry to say, but I think it is time. If the building would have been worked on about 10 years back, there may have been a chance. Now I don't feel like having all of my tax money dumped into this. It is beyond repair. It is a bad situation for the owners, but they should have thought a little bit before they bought a condemmed building.

By ric, WI on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 01:41 pm:

At one time the Quincy #2 Shafthouse was in deplorable condition and there was talk of 'bringing it down' for esthetics and safety.

Now it's part of a National Park.

Just an observation.

By d on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 02:05 pm:

You bet it is and the taxpayers paid for that too....

By ric, WI on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 05:46 pm:


DARN those higher property values and jobs, as long as one can rant and rave about "the government..."


By Madison, Calumet on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 07:13 pm:

Tear it down! Tear it Down!

By CO on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 07:20 pm:

No question in my mind. That place is a disaster. Oh my gosh. This should not even be up for questioning. This is long overdue. Thank God they are finally doing something about it. Better to spend some money taking it down, than a million to try to save it. Good luck to all

By Finn Gal on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 10:05 pm:

Surprising this building has not been torched. Even winter's white pure snow doesn't hide the disrepair of the "Sentimental Heights" School. A visit to Calumet and Heights last summer left me with mixed emotions, noting North Fifth Street in Calumet,the Heights School and other "blighted" areas. It is sad to see the ravages of time, yet when things are really down, there is no other way to go than up. My vote reads tearing the school down.

By The Company Line on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 11:04 pm:

The memories of our Prussian schooling are alive and well and will live on long after the memory of this school fades with time.

By Therealsuprdupruprwhocares,MI on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 02:18 am:

The school has been there forever, it seems, and now somebody wants to do something with it and the odds are stacked in the favor of a township official with a hidden agenda. Read between the lines good people! The interest just within this web page should be an indication that more consideration should be afforded to this issue. The comments about tax dollars are funny. ... I am glad to spend my tax dollars on causes like this instead of death and destruction. Yes, it should be cleaned up, as should the whole of Centennial Heights and the surrounding areas. Don't pick on one man's dreams by saying its an ugly place or it is unsafe. Look around and realize that this whole area is a reflection of this school and the people.

By danbury; germany on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 02:57 am:

ric, WI: Oops. Only a former Nazi using a certain word doesn't mean it's a bad word. Even they have to use some language!
It simply means foreigner, as posted two before you by Bob Jewell, and is no more a pejorative term nor former expression than it's english equivalent in the US (or any other english tongued place) - hmmmmmm?;). What you're talking about would be Aussenseiter.
Interesting, though: while I knew there are quite some germanisms used in english speaking places around the world, auslander is a new one to me.

By uptown on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 06:57 am:

The guy made a bad business deal without doing his research and now is taking advantage to get in his 15 minutes...

By WI on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 08:17 am:

Your exactly right uptown. You hit the nail on the head.

By ric, WI on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 12:49 pm:

I stand corrected, was just an observation....HE identified himself as a former Nazi...wasnt meaning to denigrate...

Anyways, all....Whether the school comes down or not, the debate continues about whether we decide to honor our history or to annihilate it in the name of progress...

This school DOES look horrible. So did MANY historic buildings that were restored as well as many that weren't.

What is important is the freedon we have to voice all of our opinions on this board..

Have a great Memorial Day weekend, everyone!

By danbury on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 05:31 pm:

Oh. I see. No harm neither taken nor done then, I take it.

By in the pines on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 11:06 pm:

Wish they had taken a little more time before deciding to take down Italian hall..

By mi on Sunday, May 30, 2004 - 08:40 am:

Why should this even be up for discussion? Look at those pictures. I would be embarrassed to bring people up that way. My vote reads tear it down.

By A Heights Resident and Proud of it on Monday, May 31, 2004 - 04:21 pm:

Maybe if the Heights School was taken down and the junk around it cleaned up, people wouldn't think that Heights is the local dump. Every week as I walk the streets, there is more household garbage thrown alongside the roads; obviously someone doesn't want to pay for garbage pick-up. I don't know what is in the bags, but it is also a health hazard. Maybe once the school corner is cleaned up, we can work on the folks who use Heights as a dumping ground. I do the spring clean-up of the roads, but would appreciate some help to discourage such trashing.

By Mark, Marquette on Thursday, June 3, 2004 - 11:51 am:

I grew up in the Calumet area, but have been away for several years. Each time I go through the area, it seems there are more and more run down homes and businesses. Maybe the township should focus on taking care of the larger "eye sores" Calumet is a beautiful area, but driving through, you would think that people don't care about thier community. I say let Steve try and improve the area and in the mean time, do something with the rest of the run down buildings.

By DF, FL & Calumet, MI on Thursday, June 3, 2004 - 12:39 pm:

Is my memory bad or did the wood worker start to restore the building and the kids kept breaking the windows. If the building was for sale, why didn't the Township buy it? In looking at the pictures posted I did not see any leaning of the building, must be struct. strong. Good luck Steve in fighting Mr. Township.

By CO on Friday, June 4, 2004 - 04:52 pm:

I think that someone must have a bad memory because the previous owner didn't do anything but collect junk in the place. It seems that everyone says that they want to restore it, but the fact is the wood worker let it go to long. The current owners also said that they were going to do everything they could to take it down, and now they think it should be preserved. As my memory serves me correct, then the last time I was up there, nothing had been done. The building has to come down. That's my vote.

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