SB 1040 Michigan School Employee Retirement

Past-E-Mail: Various Topics: Politics and Religion, Ketchup or Gravy: SB 1040 Michigan School Employee Retirement
Matt Van Arsdale (Xgamer13) on Thursday, June 14, 2012 - 06:41 pm:
Today SB1040 was passed despite the fight of many. While in
good times the Michigan public school employee system was set
up for to provide pensions for the teachers once they retired.
Years went by the amount of people in the system grew and so
did the fund. School districts no longer feel that they could
afford to pay into the system any longer.

It's almost as if we were paying a cable bill and now that we no
longer can pay for it. So we cancel it. Well this is on cable bill
that should not be canceled. People have worked their whole
lives and have depended on it being there. Now that they have
retired they have the risk of their pension being taxed and being
forced to pay for more (20% if under 65 and 10% is over) of their

As a potential future teacher I would prefer to have the option
between the hybrid pension plan or the 401k. I would also really
like to know that my healthcare will be there once I retire. I am
not the only one that will be depending on my healthcare. I know
there are many new-hire teachers that really feel that the
teaching profession is in a bad position. We have spent years
going to school to get our degrees and with all the changes in
legislation that is going through has really put a damper on
starting our teaching careers. We knew from the beginning that
teachers didn't make a lot of money however they were taken
care of when it came to healthcare and pensions. Now after 4-6
years of going to school things have really changed. Teacher pay
has really not seen much of an increase while benifits have been
taken away. If you want to attract good teachers you have to at
least leave some incentive. I know there is opposition from the
"private sector" saying they have to fend for them selves and
"teacher take 3 months off" but you understand as well that
teachers work more than their "40 hours a week" and spend their
own money on school supplies and continuing their education
which is mandatory. I wanted to share my perspective of what is
effecting myself and other new hire teachers.

If we are going to make cuts lets make cuts to the pension plan
for other public workers like police and fire. How can we not
afford to make cuts equally? The reason? Union busting plan and

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