
Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2006: February: Feb 05-06: Sunday-What'sUP
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Alicia Marshall (Aliciak) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 10:34 am:

Wake up everyone.
First Post

By NKR (Nkr) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 10:43 am:

Good morning from Mishawaka IN. WE HAVE SNOW! Not alot but the ground is white. If the sun comes out, the snow will be gone. Happy Sunday everyone.

By Janette Kowalski (Ladybug) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 11:49 am:

Good morning all!

Well here in Detroit we are getting ready for our big day......The Super Bowl. I must say with the snow fall we had yesterday, I think Detroit actually shined thru as being organized and ready for a party. I am glad that we are finally showing the world that we have many attractions and opportunities for everyone. Hope you all are enjoying this snow filled day, I know I am. The driveway is already snowplowed so off to the kitchen for a little pre-game cooking.....wish me luck!

Chow for now!

By kosk in Toronto (Koskintoronto) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 02:30 pm:

Here in Toronto we are getting ready for our
annual Super Bowl party. Our son, out at Fort
Lewis in Washington (state), will not be at the
party in person, but all of his best friends will
be here at our house feasting and watching
the game. At half-time we'll pass the phone
around as he talks to everyone here (about
fifteen people).

Meanwhile back in the UP, our daughter has
returned to her home in Ishpeming from the
Keweenaw, after spending time with the
cousins watching hockey, checking out the ice
sculptures and yes, eat your hearts out,
chomping down pizza at the Ambassador.

Go Sea Hawks!

By JARMO ITÄNIEMI (Japei) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 03:14 pm:

Very good Sunday to all persons.;

By Charlotte, Mishawaka, IN (Charlotte61) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 04:00 pm:

Good afternoon from Mishawaka, IN. The snow is still on the ground but isn't much. At least it's white when you look out the window.

Go Steelers!!!

By P.Weed (Pweed) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 04:14 pm:

No snow in Florida! ;0)

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 05:18 pm:

Hey Kosk, We were in Lake Linden over the holidays and it's a must to stop at the Ambassador to eat lunch. My folks split a pizza and I had my regular, raviolis. Nobody makes better Italian than the Ambassador. We can't make a trip out there without stopping in at LEAST once! Nice to know someone who feels the same. Go Hawks!

By Margaret, Amarillo TX (Margaret) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 05:41 pm:

Jaipei's picture looks unusually with helmets inside the car.

By Ken ja Mimi from da UP (Kenjamimi) on Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 10:39 pm:

Margaret,Amarillo I think it's some sort of a road rally or race. Safety first, y'know. :o)

By WishingIWasInDaUP (Sur5er) on Monday, February 6, 2006 - 12:12 am:

Kosk, I love reading your posts about your family :) Oooooooooh laaaaaa laaaaaaaaaaaa ...Ambassador pizza :)

NKR, The snow didn't melt here ;) Da Abbi had a blast playing outside in da snow....the only way we could get her to come inside, was to coax her with a cookie each time, she went outside to play.

By kosk in Toronto (Koskintoronto) on Monday, February 6, 2006 - 07:00 am:

Thanks Sur5er! Was this the weekend your
daughter came home?

By WishingIWasInDaUP (Sur5er) on Monday, February 6, 2006 - 08:51 am:

Kosk, My daughter will be coming home next weekend. Thanks for asking :) I have a feeling that this week is going to be one of those weeks that feels like 'forever' to me, eh ;)

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